Make your usual meals, snacks, and drinks a little healthier with the power of vegetables.
We deliver delicious vegetables that everyone from children to adults can enjoy.

- What is Vegemin -
Using our unique technology, we process vegetables into powder while preserving their nutritional value.
Reborn into a new product

customer's voice

our technology
By reducing the effects of heat and oxidation, we can reduce the effects of heat and oxidation by turning vegetables into powder in a short time while preserving their color, aroma, and nutritional components, making it possible to improve processing suitability and extend the expiration date.

Make vegetables easier
Vegetables have wonderful powers.
However, in Japan, more than 2 million tons of vegetables are thrown away every year.
It's a waste, isn't it?
If we can easily get vegetables, we may be able to reduce the amount of vegetables we waste.
That's why we created Vegemin.
greenase, Inc. /
Shinnosuke Nakamura
GREEN BAKERY sells "vegetable bread" made from powdered agricultural products and handles Vegemin products.